Disney Fusion 5

Our family blog about Disney–Travel, Crafts, Art, and More

I have a confession to make.  Disney is not my only passion.  I know, gasp!  I also have a significant Lego obsession.  I don’t know what it is about Legos, but I love them.  Now, combine Legos with Disney?  We have a wallet issue!!

It started innocently enough…I started collecting the Disney Lego Minifigures. No problem, a few bucks here and there. 

Then I started to really pay attention to what Lego sets were out there.  BIG MISTAKE.  The Disney castle.  Have you seen the Disney castle?  It’s amazing….beautiful….huge…..and expensive.  So, I started to save up for it.  I downloaded money-making apps and started stashing money for our next trip to Disney. 

We went to Disney and I had enough set aside to buy the castle.  We were in the Lego store, and BAM, buyer’s remorse before I even got it.  I carried the empty box around the store…I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.  For any of you that don’t know, the castle is $349.99 before tax.  That’s a car payment. My husband finally pulled me to the side and said “If you don’t buy it, I’m going to.”  He knows me.  I don’t spend that kind of money on just myself; ever.  So, I bit the bullet and bought the castle. 

Of course, I had to wait until we got home to put it together, but that was the absolute first thing I did when we got home:

A picture containing indoor, table, sitting, kitchen

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It sits in my living room, and no one (not even my five-year old) touches it. Which I find funny, since I’ve bought other sets that my son breaks apart almost as soon as I put it together.

Over the years, I’ve added to my collection:

And last black Friday I bought the train (on sale!):

So, what does this have to do with crafts, you ask?  Well, let me tell you. 

I’ve purchased all the Disney minifigures, but I was struggling with how to display them.  I told you in an earlier post that I always have a pile of wood hanging around, so I chose one of the larger pieces to work with.

With the help of my husband, we used the table saw to cut the wood in a way that I could slide the minifigure base onto the wood board and hold the minifig in place.  Once we had three lines cut on the wood board, I painted it black, and then added hangers on the back.  Since the cuts we made were a little wide, I had to use some adhesive to make sure the minifig bases wouldn’t fall out. 

I arranged the characters to my liking, glued them on, and hung this up in my living room. 

I think it turned out great!  (And I have some room for more minifigs!)

I absolutely love the way it turned out!  I forgot to take pictures along the way, so you only get to see the final product, but this was a pretty easy one, the only thing we had to be careful of was making sure we didn’t completely cut the wood with the saw.

So, there you have it, my Lego and Disney obsession combined. 
